SEC Electronics, Inc. announces a new, two-wire, Hall-effect latch SS1881, which has wide operating voltage range from 2.5V to 24V and is programmed at the factory to optimize the magnetic switch point accuracy. The SS1881 Hall-effect latch uses the same patented high frequency, 4-phase, chopper-stabilization technique that is used on complementary devices in this family (unipolar switches). SEC’s advanced CMOS wafer fabrication process is used to achieve magnetic stability over temperature and to eliminate offset inherent in single-element devices, when exposed to harsh-application environments.
The SS1881 will be offered in two package styles. The “SO” is a SOT-23W style, miniature low profile package for surface-mount applications. The “UA” is a SIP style, three-lead ultra-mini single inline package SIP for through-hole mounting.